DIYFamilyFilms Nails It

Alright, buckle up, because DIYFamilyFilms just dropped an ad campaign that's the equivalent of a marketing mic drop. I'm scrolling through my feed, and bam! An iPhone video course that hits differently. (I haven’t bought it yet but I’m going to! And no, this is not an affiliate venture.)

Let's dissect the brilliance:

The Head-turning Hook

Lead Message:

"Why I stopped taking pics/videos of my son every day."

Hold up, did a photography/video course just lead with not taking photos? Genius. It's unexpected, it's attention-grabbing and head-turning.

Opening Text

"When you take out your phone for every cute moment because you don't want to miss it but you end up with a ton of digital clutter."

And just like that, we're all nodding in agreement. Founder Tenille is in our heads, she gets it. Digital clutter? Guilty as charged.

Understanding Parents

"Time with your child is so precious and you don't want to forget the special moments. I get it."

Yes, you get it, and now we're hooked. Speak our language, sister!

The Sell - Benefit First

"Reduce digital clutter and screen time by learning how to use your phone properly to create home videos that you actually want to watch."

Not diving into course features but hitting us with the benefits. Unexpected benefits, mind you. Reduce digital clutter? Sign me up. Reduce screen time? Double yes.

The Pitch

"Learn the DIY family films method once and have a skill for life. Get 70% off our easy way to follow course built for busy parents! Works with iPhones and Androids."

A skill for life? Check. Discount for busy parents? Check. Works with both iPhones and Androids? Check and mate. This is a pitch with a punch.

Website Check

Clarity Line

Boom, instant clarity on what the course is about. No beating around the bush.

Overcoming Objections

She's a parent like us, low-tech on the phone, reduce screen time, stuff you won’t find on YouTube. Objections crushed, moving on.

Before and After

Instead of the cliché before and after, she labels it "Digital clutter to home movies." It's not just clever; it's a visual punch in the face.

DIYFamilyFilms isn't just selling a course; they're selling a solution to a problem we didn't even realize we had.

Bravo, bravo!

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